Review. Stephen Cave, Kanta Dihal and Sarah Dillon, eds., AI Narratives: A History of Imaginative Thinking about Intelligent Machines, New York: Oxford University Press, 2020, and Stephen Cave and Kanta Dihal, eds., Imagining AI: How the World Sees Intelligent Machines, New York: Oxford University Press, 2023. Samuel Baker. Poetics Today 45:2 (Spring 2024), 363-366.
“Romanticism and Consciousness, Revisited: A Roundtable Discussion.” Samuel Baker, Joel Faflak, Richard C. Sha, Jacques Khalip, Kate Singer, Nancy Yousef, Hannah C. Wojciehowski, and Mustafa Ayçiçegi. Texas Studies in Literature and Language 65:4 (Winter 2023), 421-443.
Review. Yoon Sun Lee, The Natural Laws of Plot: How Things Happen in Realist Novels (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2022). Samuel Baker. The Wordsworth Circle 54:4 (2023).
“Culture, the ‘Better Lore’ of the Romantic Coast.” Samuel Baker, Alexander Dick, Eric Gidal, Gerry McKeever, and Susan Oliver. European Romantic Review 34:3 (2023), 303-315.
“The Gothic, Supernatural and Religious: Scott, Hogg, and Blackwood’s.” Samuel Baker. In Caroline McCracken-Flesher, et al., eds., The International Companion to Nineteenth Century Scottish Literature (Glasgow: Association for Scottish Literary Studies, 2022).
“‘The Forsaken Merman,’ ‘The Little Mermaid,’ and Early Modernism: Undersea Imagery for the Dissolution and Dissociation of Culture.” Samuel Baker. In Margaret Cohen and Killian Quigley, eds., The Aesthetics of the Undersea (New York: Routledge, 2018), 97-110.
“Sailing Blind: Climate, Intention, and Local and Global Orientation in Wordsworth and Byron.” Samuel Baker. In Evan Gottlieb, ed. Global Romanticism: Origins, Orientations, and Engagements, 1760-1820 (Lanham, Maryland: Bucknell University Press, 2015), 95-108.
“Gaston de Blondeville and its Accompanying Texts: Radcliffe Beyond the Grave.” Samuel Baker. In Angela Wright and Dale Townshend eds., Ann Radcliffe: Romanticism and the Gothic (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014), 168-182.
“Scott’s Worlds of War.” Samuel Baker. In Fiona Robertson, ed., The Edinburgh Companion to Sir Walter Scott (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2012), 70-81.
“The Transmission of Gothic: Philosophy, Feeling, and the Media of Udolpho.” Samuel Baker. In Janet Staiger, Ann Cvetkovich, and Ann Reynolds, eds., Political Emotions: Affect and the Public Sphere (New York: Routledge, 2010), 86-107.
Written on the Water: British Romanticism and the Maritime Empire of Culture. Samuel Baker. The University of Virginia Press, 2010.